Best Solar Feed-in-Tariff Jemena region

Best Solar Feed-in-Tariff Jemena region

👋 These results are for the Jemena region. Click here for: PowerCor, Ausnet, United Energy, or CitiPower.

✅ Huglo include plans from every electricity retailer that offer a solar feed-in-tariff in the Jemena region.

⏬ Results are always ranked by the cheapest option first.

Electricity comparison made simple

‘Am I getting the best solar feed in tariff?’

It’s a question you’ve probably asked yourself many times. But answering is tough, especially when there are so many electricity plans on the market (21,000 at last count!).

How do you choose? Huglo makes it simple...

As your energy mate, we’ve done the hard work for you and calculated the best solar feed-in-tariffs for residential customers in the Jemena region.

We’ve compared every single electricity retailer on the market, and sorted your results by the cheapest electricity plan for your needs.

Our key difference? Your results are not based on retailer referral fees. While some of our retailers pay us a referral fee to appear on our site, these don’t influence how we calculate and present the data.

You’ll always see the cheapest electricity deal in the Jemena region in real time (our database updates every night so you’re always seeing the most up-to-date electricity plans).

How to read your results

Your results show the cheapest electricity retailer for the Jemena region first, with plans rising in cost as you scroll down.

The estimated costs include the daily supply charge, usage costs, solar feed-in-tariff and membership fees. Remember, the highest solar feed-in tariff doesn’t always mean it’s the best value option – retailers’ often increase the daily supply and usage charges in these plans.

To further personalise your results, use the filters on the right to edit your details and/or use the check boxes. For instance, if you want a plan that includes 100% green power, click that box. Or if you need to update your household members, click on ‘Edit your Details’.

To see a specific electricity plan in more detail, click ‘View plan info’.

To switch plans with Huglo, click on the ‘Go to Sign Up’ button and we’ll take you directly to our registration page. It’s a simple and quick online process.

Want to learn more?

The National Electricity Market, known as the NEM, is one of the largest interconnected electricity systems in the world. It covers around 40,000 km of transmission lines and cables, supplying around 9 million customers.

The NEM facilitates the movement of electricity between generators and retailers. Retailers resell the electricity to businesses and households. High voltage transmission lines transport the electricity from the generators to electricity distributors, who deliver it to homes and businesses on lower voltage ‘poles and wires’.

The NEM is divided into 13 regions, and Jemena is one of these regions. It distributes electricity to over 360,000 customer sites via approximately 6,160 km of distribution system and over 950 square kilometres of north-west greater Melbourne.

As a household, you contract with a Retailer, who is responsible for billing how much you electricity you use. This market is highly competitive with many companies offering a range of prices. However, most of the plans offered by Retailers are 'evergreen' contracts, which means they revise pricing at any time, as long as they provide you at least one month's notice. This means you will need to keep on top of the market to ensure you are on best value electricity plan. Which is where Huglo comes into the picture!

If there is a problem with your electricity delivery (i.e. a blackout), this is managed by the distributor, Jemena in your case. They are responsible for ensuring the poles and wires are working as they should.

A solar feed-in tariff (FiT) is the payment made to solar system owners for the energy they generate and send back into the grid. It is expressed as a rate per kilowatt hour (kWh).

If you do not have a battery, the electricity you generate cannot be stored. So any excess energy generated through your solar panels is pushed back into the grid. Your electricity retailer will provide a credit for this electricity, which is offset against your total bill costs.

In most states in Australia there is a minimum feed-in-tariff that must be offered by retailers, but you will find they vary greatly. But a word of caution, the electricity plan with the highest FiT does not necessarily mean the best outcome for your household. Many retailers seek to entice consumers with a high FiT, but also have high usage rates so you are actually worse off!

There are 0 plans that meet your selections

There are 0 plans that meet your selections

Important Information

Huglo Pty Ltd (ABN 20 633 472 090) (Huglo) compares plans from all electricity retailers in the market strictly on price. When switching with Huglo it may earn referral fees with selected retailers, but Huglo does not mark-up plan cost with any additional fees or charges when you switch with Huglo. By clicking on the ‘Go to Sign Up’ button you agree to Huglo’s Terms and Conditions, Privacy Collection Notice and Privacy Policy.

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DistributorUnited Energy
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